Animal Tracking

To demonstrate the robustness and versatility of the algorithms which have been developed during this project for object and movement tracking, we have tested the algorithms on a wide variety of moving objects. One of the most challenging objects to track is a live animal since it's movement is unpredictable and often fast and sudden.

The videos below demonstrate that even objects such as live animals can be tracked using the same algorihtms which we have origianlly developed for use on human hands.

Video Demonstration

Original Video After Colour Filtering Tracking the Moving Animal

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3
The first was recorded directly from Standard 320x240 Webcam. The second video is the output after colour filtering process. The Final video shows capability to track a moving animal in live video using clustering.

Click the button to launch all three videos simultaneously in a new window.

The next page shows possible Future Improvements.